Soundala Therapy, 2016 yılında Ses ile Meditasyon ve Somatik Deneyimleme Uygulayıcısı Rida Kıraşı tarafından kuruldu.
Soundala’da, ses ve sanat projeleri gerçekleÅŸtiriyor, bireysel ses ile meditasyon ve somatik deneyimleme alanı sunuyor, ses banyosu etkinlikleri düzenliyor, sesle meditasyon albümleri çıkarıyor ve farkındalık ve sesle meditasyon konusunda workshop'lar veriyoruz.
2017’de müzisyen ve besteci Can DedeoÄŸlu da ekibe dahil oldu. Can da sessizlik içerisinde ses banyoları düzenliyor, online ve yüz yüze grup banyoları gerçekleÅŸtiriyor. Soundala, Rida’nın 2015’ten beri her sene açtığı ‘Farkındalık Yolundan Yürüme’ grubu katılımcılarının da eklenmesiyle bir kabileye evrilip büyümeye devam ediyor.
​Soundala kabilesi, ‘Farkındalık Yolundan Yürüme' grubunu tamamlamış, ses banyosu uygulayıcısı, sezgisel beslenme uzmanı, müzisyen, yoga eÄŸitmeni, klinik psikolog, akademisyen, Chi Gong eÄŸitmeni, astrolog gibi farklı pratikleri sunan kiÅŸilerden oluÅŸuyor. Kabilemiz, bu programdan öÄŸrendiklerini, kendi otantik araçlarıyla birleÅŸtirerek ihtiyacı olanlara farklı yöntemlerle alan tutuyor.
Rıda & Can
Rida Kıraşı
She completed her 'Sound Healing Practitioner' training from the British Academy of Sound Therapy in London in 2015. While graduating, she specialized in gongs, himalayan bowls, drums, vocal practice, and vocal practice with mantras. She completed advanced training with master Don Conreux to deepen in gong.
Realizing that the physical and emotional body carries the traces of the past and the fears of the future, she received a Yoga Therapy certificate from Banu Çadırcı in 2015. She completed the Movement and Dance Therapy certificate program by Mimar Sinan University in 2018 and continues to work with different movement techniques. She deepened in Yin Yoga and took Thai Message Practitioner Training in Thailand.
Chi Gong has been practicing practices such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) for a long time and has been using it in his consultancy.
She started meditation with Ezgi Sorman in 2011 and completed her meditation practitioner training with her in 2012.
In 2019, sound healing led her to learn more about the body and nervous system and she started training in Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Analysis with Body Awareness, and Stress Management which lasts 3 years.
At the same time, she is still in the final year of training with Patricia Whitebuffalo 's Shamanic Practices.
After graduating from Tarsus American College, she graduated from Marmara University, Department of Business Administration and worked in an advertising agency in Istanbul. She lived for a while in Helsinki and Berlin.
She went back to college to study Psychology in 2021 at Kent University.
She lives alternately in a forest in Kırklareli and Istanbul. She is a mother of one child, two cats.
Can DedeoÄŸlu
In the sound field of Soundala Therapy since 2017; He deals with technical, aesthetic, performance and timbre aspects.
Graduated from Istanbul Bilgi University Music Department, then he continued MA studies on composition at Kraków Music Academy. He tries to melt his interest in many fields of sound and music in one pot and works as a freelance composer/musician.
He combined the sound experiments he has been doing since 2007 with meditation practices. Now he shares all his experience in the meditation and sound retreats, individual sessions, and group sessions. At the same time, he just finished the Music Therapist Certificate program.